News 2018
2018, December
Procurement of ARIANNA system and studies by one Agency of the United Nations

One important Agency of the United nations (operating in the realm of security and critical infrastructures) has purchased a number of ARIANNA systems, specifically customised to comply with their specific requirements, to be used in their activities worldwide.
The same Agency also activated a contract for the study of processing paradigms addressing to the improvement and extension of the ARIANNA functionalities.
2018, December, 1
PROTECT project started

The PROTECT project, granted by the European Commission under the H2020 SME-Instrument -Phase 2 initiative, has officially started.
PROTECT will support the international marketing plan of the ARIANNA system.
Good luck, PROTECT! (visit the project site)
2018, November 14 - December 14
DUNE-BIACD cooperation on inertial tracking (lectures and experiments)

In the frame of the cooperation contract between DUNE and the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD), DUNE has been one month in China to hold a series of lectures and on-field experiments on the inertial navigation and tracking.
The DUNE CTO, Enrico de Marinis, is in the picture, at the tea ceremony, with the Institute Director Ming Yang and the responsible of the foreign affairs Yating Zhang.
The experiments, performed with the BIACD own devices, have been greatly appreciated by BIACD, systematically achieving errors below 0.3% of the walked distance, with all the tested devices.
2018, July, 17
ARIANNA demonstration by Drager in Blyth Riverside (UK)

DUNE has been invited by Drager (worldwide provider of firefighters' equipment) to perform a real-time demonstration of the ARIANNA performance in their premises in Blyth (Bamburgh Room, Bldg 4, Blyth C&D office).
Beside the Drager representatives at executive level, the demonstration was attended by both DUNE and Eyezeon staff (UK, Company in joint venture).
The demonstration has been successful, paving the route toward possible joint commercial agreements.
2018, June, 26
ARIANNA demonstration by 3M in Monroe, North Carolina (USA)

Dune is glad to report of the demonstration done at the 3M Scott Safety plant in Monroe (NC) in June 26 2018, of its indoor tracking system Arianna based on the SmartSensor. The demo has been positively greet and with interest in the future industrial development of the new SmartSensor (nSS) in 2019. Scott is now a 3M company and is an important stake holder of the firefighter and first responder market and have an important experience in this market.
2018, June, 15
PROTECT interview on the "Il Sole 24 Ore" business and financial newspaper

The top-rated business and financial newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore" published an article on its magazine "Nova" on the excellent Italian scoring at the "SME Instrument-Pahse 2" latest cutoff. DUNE has been interviewed as a winner of the SME Instrument, with its PROTECT project. The full article can be accessed here and the DUNE profile within the article can be found here. (Both articles are in Italian)
2018, May, 15
PROTECT project by DUNE wins the SME-Instrument- Phase 2 of the European Commission

The evolution of ARIANNA system has been submitted as a scale-up and marketing plan project "PROTECT" to the SME-Intrument-Phase 2.
Despite the exceptionally tough level of the competition, the project based on ARIANNA has been first awarded with two "Seal of Excellence" by the European Commission and subsequently granted funding of the SME-Instrument initiative .
2018, May, 4
Signed a Tech. transfer contract with BIACD (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices)

DUNE has signed an important contract with the BIACD (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices), the most important Institute of CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation) about a technological transfer and joint experimental data analysis on tracking devices for GPS-denied environments.
The cooperation will deal with IMU units manufactured by BIACD, embedding a subset of proprietary algorithms by DUNE.
This agreement comes after the Joint development agreement signed in Beijing on September 2017.
2018, April, 18
ARIANNA by DUNE Invited to the dot-pitch interview in Brussels for the PROTECT project

DUNE has been invited by EASME (Executive Agency for SMEs) to a dot-pitch interview in Brussels, illustrating the financial, marketing and growth perspectives of the ARIANNA system.
On the bases of both the PROTECT project contents and the outcome of the interview, the panel of experts had to decide about the (about) 660 k€ of co-funding, to be granted by the European Commission.
The interview has been successful and ARIANNA system has been formally selected for the signature of the Grant Agreement in the frame of the PROTECT project.
2018, April, 1-8
ARIANNA by DUNE is at the FIDAE 2018 International Exhibition in Santiago del Chile

DUNEhas been selected by the Overseas Trade Fair (SME Instrument ) to participate as exhibitor sponsored by the European Commission to the FIDAE 2018 in Santiago del Chile.
DUNE showed its ARIANNA tracking system, attracting the interest of many stakeholders belonging to both homeland security and defense areas.
The 20th Air and Space Fair (Fidae), the most important aviation and defense/security event in Latin America, with a participation of more than 50 exhibitors and more than 120,000 attendees.